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A Reflection on Black History Month

By Communities In Schools | Feb. 28, 2023

Across the country, the Communities In Schools® (CIS®) network showed up in a big way to celebrate Black History Month, whether they were introducing high school students to post-secondary opportunities at historically Black colleges and universities, adorning their school hallways with student artwork and motivational quotes from Black leaders, or involving the entire student body in Black history themed activities.

Our nation honors Black history every February to show respect and recognition for Black Americans' rich cultural heritage, achievements, and sacrifices in American history. Being #AllinforKids means creating an inclusive school environment where every student feels welcome and celebrated, regardless of race, gender, ability, zip code, or socioeconomic background. Our work to uplift and support Black students is a continuous effort. We are honored to support the current and future generations of Black leaders and change-makers in America.

CIS of Benton-Franklin

This year, CIS held its second annual coloring contest for Jason Lee Elementary School students. Site coordinator Chelsea created coloring pages of influential Black leaders for students to pick from and color. Older students could also select a leader to research and write about. Winners have yet to be chosen, but one from each grade level will receive an art set, and the rest will receive a small prize just for participating! These beautiful illustrations are on display in the school's main hallway for students to enjoy and learn about the many great Black Americans who have made and continue to make significant contributions to American history.


CIS of Los Angeles

Site coordinators Brianna and Stephen took a group of students from Jordan High School and Santee Education Complex to attend the 2023 Black College Expo, where they had the opportunity to connect to schools, programs, and resources available to them after high school graduation. Two students were awarded scholarships on the spot!


CIS Dallas Region

February marks Black History Month and Valentine’s Day, so Richardson ISD site coordinator Anneice highlighted her love of historically Black colleges and universities. High schoolers enjoyed learning about notable alum from each university!


CIS of San Antonio

In a world where you can be anything, be inclusive! Site coordinator Jacklyn wanted to share with her school that representation matters. “It is important that all students and staff at Woodlawn Academy take action against injustice not just this month, but every month,” said Jacklyn. Everyone at Woodlawn Academy in San Antonio ISD was invited to pledge. By signing their name, they promise to be the change they wish to see.


CIS of North Texas

The CIS of North Texas ACE afterschool program at Tomas Rivera Elementary School put on a Black History Month program and talent show! Over 100 students and parents were in attendance. Site coordinator Sham’Bria and her team did a great job engaging students and families through this celebration!


CIS of Pennsylvania

Susquehanna Township Middle School students assisted their site coordinator in decorating the cafeteria bulletin board with quotes from prominent Black figures in today's society and history for Black History Month.


CIS of Georgia in Albany/Dougherty

Site coordinator Kierra taught students about prominent Black figures from their city and historical changemakers like Martin Luther King Jr., C. B. King, Ray Charles, and Alice Coachman. Students created four squares and drew pictures about what these individuals did to make history. Artwork included footsteps representing Martin Luther King Jr.’s freedom walk; a piano representing Ray Charles; a gold Olympic medal for Alice Coachman; and a gavel representing C.B. King. 

CIS of Ohio

Site coordinator Mr. Fluellen collaborated with Franklin Heights High School staff to kick off Black History Month with Lunch Time Trivia! During lunch periods, students who participated had the opportunity to earn prizes for their displays of historical figures, authors, inventors, musicians, and innovators associated with the month-long historical study.


CIS of Cape Fear

Williston Student Support Specialist Angela shared stories of remarkable Black women on her "Black HER-Story" bulletinboard. 

Turn it up! It's Black History Month! Student Support Specialist Kaylee at Snipes Academy created profiles of famous figures in Black history and styled them to look like songs on Spotify. Students could add additional Black artists to the playlist.