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Tamekia: Preparing Her Students for Life After High School

Tamekia: Preparing Her Students for Life After High School

By Communities In Schools | April 19, 2022 #AllinforKids College & Career Prep Site Coordinator

Tamekia Stevens has worked as a student support specialist at Communities in Schools High Point for 14 years. As a student support specialist, her work consists of supporting students to make post-secondary plans.  

“As a site coordinator, I love that I am able to surround students with a community of support along with various opportunities including mentorship, job shadows, college and career readiness, and so much more. To help my students overcome the barriers that may otherwise hinder them from being successful is very rewarding.” 

Working with the 21st Century College and Career Prep CIS program, Stevens gets to witness the growth of numerous students as they set and achieve their personal goals. She loves to see her students grow and is always amazed to see their transformation from 9th to 12th grade.  

 “One of my most gratifying moments as a student support specialist is when my former students come back to visit to say, ‘Thank you for your support and all of the CIS programs that prepared me for life after high school.’”