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Reengaging Students in Schools, Communities, and Beyond

For Communities In Schools, reengagement involves a set of activities and initiatives to increase students’ and families’ interests, passions, and relationships in the service of promoting equitable learning conditions both inside and outside of school. The focus of these activities is:


A student sitting in front of a school outside with the text "reconnecting with students, supporting student and family recovery, and addressing educational inequities

Reconnecting Students to Education Pathways – Practice Brief

During the 2021–2022 school year, Communities In Schools® (CIS) introduced the Reengagement Coordinator Initiative, with the goal of reengaging high school students who did not reenroll in school or were chronically absent, due to the pandemic. This brief summarizes the main findings and shares takeaways for practitioners in schools and other organizations who are looking to work with disengaged students or create a dedicated position to reengage students.

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Working to Remove Barriers to Engagement

Learning is affected by students’ own unique combinations of motivation, skills, needs, and life and learning situations, as well as by the supports they receive from their family, community, and school.

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