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Trinity: Living Above Life’s Challenges

By Communities In Schools | April 17, 2024 College & Career Prep Graduation

As a middle school student, Trinity faced challenges that many of us can relate to—struggling to find her place among peers, navigating the complexities of growing up, and seeking a sense of belonging. But that all changed when she crossed paths with Haley Nelson, Communities In Schools® (CIS®) of Northwest Michigan site coordinator. 

Trinity, who participated in CIS' after-school programs, found in Haley a mentor and friend who helped her rise above her challenges. Through the years, their bond grew stronger, guiding Trinity through her teenage years. 

She is now a senior at Career Tech Center (CTC) in Traverse City, Mich., studying early childhood development. Through CTC, she visits elementary schools and works in the classroom with teachers. 

It is such an honor and brings me great joy to know she feels so supported by me. She is now a senior on her way to graduating this May and attending college for a career in early childhood development. 

-Haley Nelson, CIS of Northwest Michigan Site Coordinator

As Trinity prepares to graduate and enter the next chapter of her life at North Central Michigan College, she offers heartfelt advice to the next generation of seniors: "Make your last year worth it and do all the activities. Go to the dances and make your senior year worth it," she said. "You will not get this opportunity back again. Finish your year strong and make good memories. Be the senior you needed when you were a junior." 

In a touching message to Haley, Trinity expressed her gratitude:  

Thank you for everything. You have been in my life since sixth-grade year and have been by my side, supporting me through my lowest moments to my highest moments. I love you, Miss Nelson, and I would never be able to be half of the person I am today. You have helped me in the hardest times. . . you keep believing in me when I want to give up.


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